First F3 Amelia Workout

First F3 Amelia workout 05/21/24

Today was the official launch of F3 Amelia. 5 High Impact Men arose in the gloom to do the hard work of getting after it and getting right. According to legend it went a little something like this.

Warmerama: SSH x 20, DQ x 20, LBC x 20, FC x 20, HRM x 10

Mosey to soccer fields

Four Corners Progression: Corner 1 5 burpees, corner 2 10 hand release merkins, corner 3 20 WWII, corner 4 30 two count flutter kicks. There were four total rounds. As each round progresses you add a corner.

School House Rock: Facing uphill to the old school one man ran up the hill, around the school and back to the pax. While the man was running, the remaining men did exercises. These included planks, shoulder taps, squats, etc.

Mosey back to flag


Moleskin: At 5:28am not a soul was insight. I said my prayers and thanked the lord for new beginnings and if part of the journey to get F3 going in Amelia was to go solo and put myself out there even more to make it happen then so be it. If that’s what I was called to do. Not 30 seconds later cars started arriving and I went from totally solo to a member of a team. The shovel flag has been planted and I’m so pumped to share something that has been life enhancing for me with other men. Let’s freaking go!!


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